Windows 8 Pro Activation Script For Life!

Windows 8 pro MAK Activation Script is Here.Copy this Script to notpad and Save as win8.bat
Run the Script.Thats all.Your windows will be activate forever.

@echo off
color fc
title Windows 8 PRO KMS Activation -
echo Windows 8 PRO KMS Activation - by Androtweet
echo *Please remove any other activator, connect to the internet and synchronize the time with the Windows Time service before applying this program
echo ================================
@echo Starting Activation...
@slmgr.vbs -ipk NG4HW-VH26C-733KW-K6F98-J8CK4
@slmgr -skms
@slmgr.vbs -ato
@echo Activation COMPLETED!

Download win8.bat here for windows 8 pro activation.
Comment here if you have any problem

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1 comment:

  1. bekerja gx itu kang ...?

    klo bekerja itu license bukan ..?

    soalnya ane udah nyari aktivator ke sana ke mare udah pusing

    bales via facebook#

    ane pelanggan setia ente

    thx for ur all softwares
    thats so helpfull ^_^
